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Section 151 to 160 of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Sanction for issue of notice? What is Other provisions? Section 151 and 152 of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Time limit for completion of assessments and reassessments? What is Assessment in case of search or requisition? Section 153 and 153A of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Time-limit for completion of assessment under section 153A? What is Assessment of income of any other person? Section 153B and 153C of Income Tax Act 1961

What is the meaning of Prior approval necessary for assessment in cases of search or requisition? What is Rectification of mistake? Section 153D and 154 of Income Tax Act 1961

What are other amendments? What is Notice of demand? Section 155 and 156 of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Intimation of loss? What is Intimation of assessment of firm? Section 157 and 158 of Income Tax Act 1961

Section 157A Faceless rectification, amendments and issuance of notice or intimation

What is Procedure when assessee claims identical question of law is pending before High Court or Supreme Court? Section 158A of Income Tax Act 1961



What is Procedure when in an appeal by revenue an identical question of law is pending before Supreme Court? Section 158AA of Income Tax Act 1961

What is search cases Definitions? What is Assessment of undisclosed income as a result of search? Section 158B and 158BA of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Computation of undisclosed income of the block period? What is the Procedure for block assessment? Section 158BB and 158BC of Income Tax Act 1961

What is Undisclosed income of any other person? What is Time limit for completion of block assessment? Section 158BD and 158BE of Income Tax Act 1961

What is the meaning of Certain interests and penalties not to be levied or imposed? What is Levy of interest and penalty in certain cases? Section 158BF and 158BFA of Income Tax Act 1961

What is the Authority competent to make the block assessment? What is Application of other provisions of this Act? What is the Chapter not to apply after certain date? Section 158BG, 158BH and 158BI of Income Tax Act 1961

What are Legal representatives? Who is Representative assessee? Section 159 and 160 of Income Tax Act 1961

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