Every company registered with Registrar of companies in India should file the following mandatory documents to complete legal compliance.
Form No INC-5
One Person Company- Intimation of exceeding threshold
Form No INC-21
Declaration prior to the commencement of business or exercising borrowing powers
Form No. PAS-3
Return of allotment
Form No. SH-8
letter of offer
Form No SH-11
Return in respect of buy-back of securities
Form No MGT-14
Filing of Resolutions and agreements to the Registrar
Form No DIR-11
Notice of resignation of a director to the Registrar
Form No. MR-1
Return of appointment of managing director or whole time director or manager
Form No FC-4
Annual Return of a Foreign company
Form No MSC-3
Return of dormant companies
Form 5INV
Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts
Form for filing XBRL document in respect of cost audit report and other documents with the Central Government
Form for filing XBRL document in respect of compliance report and other documents with the Central Government