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The Cooperative Societies Act 1912

ACT NO. 2 OF 19121
[1st March, 1912.]

An Act to amend the Law relating to Co-operative Societies.

WHEREAS it is expedient further to facilitate the formation of Co-operative Societies for the promotion of thrift and self-help among agriculturists, artisans and persons of limited means, and for that purpose to amend the law relating to Co-operative Societies; It is hereby enacted as follows:-

1. Short title and extent.

(1) This Act may be called the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912; and

(2) it extends to the whole of India except the territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in Part B States.

Section 2 Definitions



Section 3 The Registrar

Section 4 Societies which may be registered

Section 5 Restrictions on interest of member of society with limited liability and a share capital

Section 6 Conditions of registration

Section 7 Power of Registrar to decide certain questions

Section 8 Application for registration

Section 9 Registration

Section 10 Evidence of registration

Section 11 Amendment of the by-laws of a registered society



Section 12 Member not to exercise rights till due payment made

Section 13 Votes of members

Section 14 Restrictions on transfer of share or interest



Section 15 Address of societies

Section16 Copy of Act, rules and by-laws to be open to inspection

Section 17 Audit



Section 18 Societies to be bodies corporate

Section 19 Prior claim of society

Section 20 Charge and set-off in respect of shares or interest of member

Section 21 Shares or interest not liable to attachment

Section 22 Transfer of interest on death of member

Section 23 Liability of past member

Section 24 Liability of the estates of deceased members

Section 25 Register of members

Section 26 Proof of entries in societies books

Section 27 Exemption from compulsory registration of instruments relating to shares and debentures of registered society

Section 28 Power to exempt from income-tax, stamp-duty and registration fees



Section 29 Restrictions on loans

Section 30 Restrictions on borrowing

Section 31 of Cooperative Societies Act - Restrictions on other transactions with non-members

Section 32 of Cooperative Societies Act - Investment of funds

Section 33 of Cooperative Societies Act - Funds not to be divided by way of profit

Section 34 of Cooperative Societies Act - Contribution to charitable purpose



Section 35 of Cooperative Societies Act - Inquiry by Registrar

Section 36 of Cooperative Societies Act - Inspection of books of indebted society

Section 37 of Cooperative Societies Act - Costs of inquiry

Section 38 of Cooperative Societies Act - Recovery of costs



Section 39 of Cooperative Societies Act - Dissolution

Section 40 of Cooperative Societies Act- Cancellation of registration of society

Section 41 of Cooperative Societies Act - Effect of cancellation of registration

Section 42 of Cooperative Societies Act - Winding-up



Section 43 of Cooperative Societies Act - Rules

Section 44 of Cooperative Societies Act - Recovery of sums due to Government



Section 45 of Cooperative Societies Act - Power to exempt societies from conditions as to registration

Section 46 of Cooperative Societies Act - Power to exempt registered societies from provisions of the Act

Section 47 of Cooperative Societies Act - Prohibition of the use of the word co-operative

Section 48 of Cooperative Societies Act - Indian Companies Act, 1882, not to apply

Section 49 of Cooperative Societies Act - Saving of existing societies

Section 50 Rep. by the Second Repealing and Amending Act, 1914 (17 of 1914), s. 3 and the second Schedule


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