Articles 168 to 201 of Constitution of India 1949

What is Constitution of Legislatures in States? What is Abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in States? What is Composition of the Legislative Assemblies? Article 168, 169 and 170 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Composition of the Legislative Councils? What is the Duration of State Legislatures? What is the Qualification for membership of the State Legislature? Article 171, 172 and 173 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Sessions of the State Legislature, prorogation and dissolution? What is the Right of Governor to address and send messages to the House or Houses? Article 174 and 175 of Constitution of India, 1949



What is Special address by the Governor? What are the Rights of Ministers and Advocate-General as respects the Houses? Article 176 and 177 of Constitution of India, 1949

The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, What is Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker? Article 178 and 179 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Speaker? What the meaning The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration? Article 180 and 181 of Constitution of India, 1949

Who is The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council? What is the process in case of Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman? Article 182 and 183 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Power of the Deputy Chairman or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Chairman? What is the meaning The Chairman or the Deputy Chairman not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration? Article 184 and 185 of Constitution of India, 1949

Who is the Salaries and allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman? What is Secretariat of State Legislature? Article 186 and 187 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Oath or affirmation by members? What is the procedure of Voting in Houses, power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and quorum? Article 188 and 189 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Vacation of seats? What is Disqualifications for membership? Article 190 and 191 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Decision on questions as to disqualifications of members? What is the Penalty for sitting and voting before making oath or affirmation under Article 188 or when not qualified or when disqualified? Article 192 and 193 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Powers, privileges, etc., of the House of Legislatures and of the members and committees thereof? What is Salaries and allowances of members? Article 194 and 195 of Constitution of India, 1949


What are the Provisions as to introduction and passing of Bills? What is Restriction on powers of Legislative Council as to Bills other than Money Bills? Article 196 and 197 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Special procedure in respect of Money Bills? What is the Definition of "Money Bills"? Article 198 and 199 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Assent to Bills? What is Bill reserved for consideration? Article 200 and 201 of Constitution of India, 1949