Articles 238 to 244A of Constitution of India 1949

What is Administration of Union Territories? What is Creation of local Legislatures or Council of Ministers or both for certain Union Territories? Article 239 and 239A of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Power of administrator to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature? What is the Power of President to make regulations for certain Union territories? Article 239B and 240 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the the provision of High Courts for Union territories? Article 241 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Definitions of Panchayat? What is Gram Sabha? What is Constitution of Panchayats? Article 243, 243A and 243B of Constitution of India, 1949



What is Composition of Panchayats? What is Reservation of seats? What is the Duration of Panchayats, etc? Article 243C, 243D and 243E of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Disqualifications for membership? What are the Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats? What are Powers to impose taxes by, and funds of, the Panchayats? Article 243F, 243G and 243H of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Application to Union territories? What is Part not to apply to certain areas? Article 243L and 243M of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Continuance of existing laws and Panchayats? What is Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters? Article 243N and 243O of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Definitions of Municipalities? What is Constitution of Municipalities? What is Composition of Municipalities? Article 243P, 243Q and 243R of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Constitution and composition of wards Committees, etc? What is Reservation of seats? What is the Duration of Municipalities, etc? Article 243S, 243T and 243U of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Disqualifications for membership? What are Powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities? What is the Power to impose taxes by, and funds, of, the Municipalities? Article 243V, 243W and 243X of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Finance Commission? What is the procedure for Audit of accounts of Municipalities? How to conduct Elections to the Municipalities? Article 243Y, 243Z and 243ZA of Constitution of India, 1949


What is Application to Union territories? What is the meaning Part not to apply to certain areas? What is Committee for district planning? Article 243ZB, 243ZC and 243ZD of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Committee for Metropolitan Planning? What is Continuance of existing laws and Municipalities? What is Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters? Article 243ZE, 243ZF and 243ZG of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas? What is Formation of an autonomous State comprising certain tribal areas in Assam and creation of local Legislature or Council of Ministers or both therefor? Article 244 and 244A of Constitution of India, 1949