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Circumstantial evidence must be complete and must give out an inescapable conclusion of guilt to punish an accused.

Judgment dated 4th October 2024


Case No: Criminal Appeal No. 1031 of 2015, 1578 of 2017, 765 of 2017 and 1579 of 2017 

Supreme Court of India

A Bench of Supreme Court Justice  MS. BELA M. TRIVEDI and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mr. Justice SATISH CHANDRA SHARMA allowed the appeal filed by the accused in a kidnapping and murder case in which the High Court upheld the conviction of accused. The High Court had also reversed acquittal of two of the accused by the Trial Court and Convicted them. While acquitting the accused the Supreme Court held that:

"36. The above analysis indicates that the prosecution has failed to discharge its burden to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. The reasonable doubts, indicated above, are irreconcilable and strike at the foundation of the prosecution's case. Thus, the appellants are liable to be acquitted of all the charges."


Facts of the case are:

On 30.08.1985, Neelam died in Simaltalla, Bihar. A written report was lodged by the informant and brother-in-law of the deceased, namely, Ramanand Singh wherein he alleged that Neelam was abducted by seven persons from their house in an incident which occurred at around 10:00 PM on the said day. On the basis of this information, an FIR bearing no. 127 of 1985 was lodged at PS Sikandra and investigation was commenced which led to the filing of a chargesheet against the seven accused persons. The Trial Court charged all seven accused persons for the commission of offences punishable under Sections 323, 302, 364, 449, 450, 380/34 and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code, 18602. Later, accused nos. 6 and 7 were distinctly charged for the commission of offences punishable under Sections 342, 506 read with Section 34 of IPC. After trial, the Trial Court, vide order dated 05.06.1992, convicted the accused persons listed as accused nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for the commission of offences under Section 302/34 and 364/34 of IPC. They were acquitted of all other charges, and accused nos. 6 and 7 were acquitted of all the charges.

The convicts preferred an appeal before the Patna High Court against the order of conviction and the State preferred an appeal before the High Court against the order of acquittal of the two accused persons. The Patna High Court, vide a common judgment dated 26.03.2015, upheld the conviction of the five convicts and set aside the acquittal of accused two accused by finding them guilty of the commission of offences under Sections 364/34 and 302/34 of IPC. Accordingly, they were also convicted and were sentenced to undergo rigorous life imprisonment on each count. 


The Hon'ble Supreme Court held that:

"34. Having observed that the case of the prosecution is full of glaring doubts as regards the offence of abduction, we may briefly note and reiterate that the offence of murder is entirely dependent on circumstantial evidence. Although, the post mortem report indicates that the death of the deceased was unnatural and the commission of murder can-not be ruled out. But there is no direct evidence on record to prove the commission of murder by the accused per-sons. The link of causation between the accused persons and the alleged offence is conspicuously missing. The circumstantial evidence emanating from the facts sur-rounding the offence of abduction, such as the testimonies of eye witnesses, has failed to meet the test of proof and cannot be termed as proved in the eyes of law. Therefore, the foundation of circumstantial evidence having fallen down, no inference could be drawn from it to infer the commission of the offence under Section 302 IPC by the accused persons. It is trite law that in a case based on circumstantial evidence, the chain of evidence must be complete and must give out an inescapable conclusion of guilt. In the pre-sent case, the prosecution case is far from meeting that standard.

35. As regards motive, we may suffice to say that motive has a bearing only when the evidence on record is sufficient to prove the ingredients of the offences under consideration. Without the proof of foundational facts, the case of the prosecution cannot succeed on the presence of motive alone. Moreover, the motive in the present matter could operate both ways. The accused persons and the eyewitnesses belong to the same family and the presence of a property related dispute is evident. In a hypothetical sense, both the sides could benefit from implicating the other. In such circumstances, placing reliance upon motive alone could be a double-edged sword. We say no more.

36. The above analysis indicates that the prosecution has failed to discharge its burden to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. The reasonable doubts, indicated above, are irreconcilable and strike at the foundation of the prosecution's case. Thus, the appellants are liable to be acquitted of all the charges.

37. In light of the foregoing discussion, we hereby conclude that the findings of conviction arrived at by the Trial Court and the High Court are not sustainable. Moreover, the High Court erred in reversing the acquittal of A-6 and A-7. Accordingly, the impugned judgment as well as the judgment rendered by the Trial Court (to the extent of conviction of A-1 to A-5) are set aside, and all seven accused persons (appellants) are hereby acquitted of all the charges levelled upon them. The appellants are directed to be released forthwith, if lying in custody."


Download Judgment dated 4th October 2024 in VIJAY SINGH@VIJAY KR. SHARMA VS THE STATE OF BIHAR, Case No: Criminal Appeal No. 1031 of 2015, 1578 of 2017, 765 of 2017 and 1579 of 2017.


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