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High Court was not right in dismissing the writ petitions on the ground of delay and laches.

Judgment dated 13th September 2024


Case No: Civil Appeal No. 9702/2024

A Bench of Supreme Court Judges Hon'ble Justice B.V. Nagarathna and Hon'ble Justice Nongmeikapam Kotiswar Singh allowed Civil Appeals filed by the Writ Petitioners in which the Writ Petitions were dismissed on the ground of delay and laches. The High Court considered the writ petitions filed by the appellants on the issue concerning the implementation of the decision of Supreme Court in Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited vs. State of Maharashtra, (2009) 5 SCC 24. The said decision dealt with Regulation 34 read with Para 6 of Appendix-VII to the Development Control Regulations for Greater Bombay, 1991.

Facts of the case are:

The writ petitioners before the High Court were holding plots of land shown as reserved in the sanctioned development plan under the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 which were reserved for Development Plan Road. According to the writ petitioners, they constructed DP Roads at their own cost and voluntarily surrendered the reserved lands to the Mumbai Municipal Corporation. In lieu thereof, in terms of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 126 of the MRTP Act read with Regulations 33 and 34 as well as Para 5 of Appendix-VII of DCR, the writ petitioners were granted Floor Space Index ("FSI" for short) and/or Transferrable Development Rights ("TDR" for short) in the form of Development Rights Certificates ("DRC" for short) equal to the gross area of the plots surrendered by them. Para 6 of Appendix-VII (as it stood prior to its amendment) provided that when an owner or a lessee also develops or constructs the amenities on the surrendered plot at his own cost and hands over the developed/constructed amenity to the Municipal Commissioner, he is entitled to DRC in the form of FSI or TDR equivalent to the area of construction/development done by him. The expression "amenity" has been defined in sub-section (2) of Section 2 of the MRTP Act as well as clause (7) of Regulation 3 of DCR.

For the purpose of implementation of the DCR, two Circulars were issued on 09.04.1996 and 05.04.2003. By Circular dated 09.04.1996, the DRC equivalent to 15% area of the DP Road constructed by the owner or lessee on the surrendered plot was to be provided when the owner or lessee surrendered the developed amenity together with the reserved plot. By Circular dated 05.04.2003, the figure was enhanced to 25%.

In Godrej & Boyce I, this Court held that the expression "equivalent" in Para 6 of Appendix-VII would entitle the owner or lessee to 100% FSI or TDR for the construction of an amenity at his cost. Therefore, FSI or TDR for construction of an amenity would not be confined to 15% or 25% of DP Road area and it would be equivalent to 100% of the area of the road constructed by the owner or the lessee.

The grievance of the writ petitioners before the High Court was that the Mumbai Municipal Corporation had declined to grant 100% additional TDR equivalent to the area of the amenity developed. By a notification issued on 16.11.2016, Regulation 34 of the DCR was amended. As a result, AppendixVII was virtually obliterated from the DCR. The notification dated 16.11.2016 was assailed and question arose as to whether the modifications made by the notification amending Regulation 34 of the DCR would have retrospective or retroactive operation.

Summary of the decision of the Hon'ble Supreme Court is:

18.1 In view of the aforesaid discussion, we hold that the Bombay High Court was not right in dismissing the writ petitions on the ground of delay and laches. Hence, those portions of the impugned order of the High Court are set aside.

19. We also do not find any merit in the three appeals filed by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation. Having regard to the earlier judgments of this Court, we find that the reasoning of the High Court on merits in the three impugned decisions discussed above is just and proper which would not call for any interference by this Court.

20. Consequently, the civil appeals filed by the writ petitioners/appellants herein are allowed as under:

(i) Those portions of the impugned order dated 18.12.2018 by which the writ petitions were dismissed on the ground of delay and laches are set aside and the respondent Mumbai Municipal Corporation is directed to consider the case of those writ petitioners/appellants herein in light of the judgments of this Court in Godrej & Boyce I and release the balance FSI/TDR to the appellants.

(ii) However, in the case of appellant-Kukreja Construction company and others, the Mumbai Municipal Corporation is directed to consider the nature of the amenities constructed and thereafter to consider their case for additional FSI/TDR.

(iii) The said exercise shall be carried out as expeditiously as possible and within a period of three months from today.

20.1 The Civil Appeals filed by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation are dismissed and the cases of the respondents in those civil appeals shall be considered in terms of the judgments of this Court in Godrej & Boyce I and the balance FSI/TDR shall be released to the respondents therein within a period of three months from today."


Download Judgment dated 13th September 2024 in KUKREJA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY & OTHERS VS STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & OTHERS, Civil Appeal No. 9702/2024.


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