Section 7 of Registration Act - Offices of Registrar and Sub-Registrar

Section 7 of Registration Act 1908 : Offices of Registrar and Sub-Registrar

(1) The *[State Government] shall establish in every district an office to be styled the office of the Registrar and in every sub-district an office or offices to be styled the office of the Sub-Registrar or the offices of the Joint Sub-Registrars.

(2) The *[State Government] may amalgamate with any office of a Registrar, any office of a Sub-Registrar subordinate to such Registrar, and may authorise any Sub-Registrar whose office has been so amalgamated to exercise and perform, in addition to his own powers and duties, all or any of the powers and the duties of the Registrar to whom he is subordinate:

Provided that no such authorisation shall enable a Sub-Registrar to hear an appeal against an order passed by himself under this Act.





* Subs. by the A.O. 1950, for "Provincial Government"