What are the Functions of Bar Council of India? Section 7 of Advocates Act, 1961
(Note:- Section 7 renumbered as sub-section (1)
thereof by Act 60 of 1973, Sec.7)
(1) The functions of the Bar council of India shall
a. (Note:- Clause (a) omitted by Act 60of 1973,
b. To lay down standards of professional conduct and
etiquette for advances.
c. To lay down the procedure to be followed by its
disciplinary committee and the disciplinary
committee of each State Bar Council
d. To safeguard the rights, privileges and interest
of advocates
e. To promote and support law reform
f. To deal with and dispose of any matter arising
under this Act, which may be referred to it by a
State Bar Council.
g. To exercise general supervision and control over
State Bar Councils
h. To promote legal education and to lay down
standards of such education in consultation with the
Universities in India imparting such education and
the State Bar Councils
i. To recognize Universities whose degree in law
shall be a qualification for enrolment as an
advocate and for that purpose to visit and inspect
Universities (Note:- Ins. by Act 70 of 1993,
sec.3(I)) (or cause the State Bar Councils to visit
and inspect Universities in accordance with such
directions as it may give in this behalf).
(ia) (Note:- Ins. by Act 60 of 1973, sec.7) to
conduct seminars and organize talks on legal topics
by eminent jurists and publish journals and papers
of legal interest.
(ib) to organize legal aid to the poor in the
prescribed manner
(ic) to recognize on a reciprocal basis foreign
qualifications in law obtained outside India for the
purpose of admission as advocate under this act.
j. To manage and invest the funds of the Bar Council
k. To provide for the election of its members
l. To perform all other functions conferred on it by
or under this Act
m. To do all other things necessary for discharging
the aforesaid functions:
(2) (Note:- Sib-section (2) and (3) ins. by Act 60
of 1973, sec.7) the Bar Council of India may
constitute one or more funds in the prescribed
manner for the purpose of
(a) giving financial assistance to organize
welfare schemes for indigent, disabled or other
(b) giving the legal aid or advice in accordance
with the rules made in this behalf
(c) (Note:- Ins. by Act 70 of 1993, sec.3 (ii).)
establishing law libraries
(3) That Bar Council of India my receive any grants,
donations, gifts or benefactions for all or any of
the purpose specified in sub section (2) which shall
be credited to the appropriate fund or funds
constituted under that sub-section.
Section 3 : State Bar Councils
Section 4 : Bar Council of India
Section 5 : Bar Council to be body corporate
Section 6 : Functions of State Bar Councils
Section 7 : Functions of Bar Council of India
Section 7A : Membership in international bodies
Section 8 : Term of office of Members of State Bar Council
Section 8A : Constitution of Special Committee in the absence of election
Section 9 : Disciplinary Committees
Section 9A : Constitution of legal aid Committees
Section 10 : Constitution of committees other than disciplinary committees
Section 10A : Transaction of business by Bar Councils and committees thereof
Section 10B : Disqualification of members of Bar Council
Section 11 : Staff of Bar Council
Section 12 : Accounts and audit
Section 13 : Vacancies in Bar Councils and Committees thereof not to invalidate action taken
Section 14 : Election to Bar Councils not to be questioned on certain grounds