(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, in arbitral proceedings with more than one arbitrator, any decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be made by a majority of all its members.
(2) Notwithstanding sub-section (1), if authorised by the parties or all the members of the arbitral tribunal, questions of procedure may be decided by the presiding arbitrator.
Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
Section 21 of Arbitration Act - Commencement of arbitral proceedings
Section 22 of Arbitration Act - Language
Section 23 of Arbitration Act - Statements of claim and defence
Section 24 of Arbitration Act - Hearings and written proceedings
Section 25 of Arbitration Act - Default of a party
Section 26 of Arbitration Act - Expert appointed by arbitral tribunal
Section 27 of Arbitration Act - Court assistance in taking evidence
Section 28 of Arbitration Act - Rules applicable to substance of dispute
Section 29 of Arbitration Act - Decision making by panel of arbitrators
Section 29A of Arbitration Act - Time limit for arbitral award
Section 29B of Arbitration Act - Fast track procedure
Section 30 of Arbitration Act - Settlement