The fees on payment of which, the conditions subject to which and the form in which a licence shall be granted or renewed shall be such as may be prescribed:
Provided that different fees, different conditions and different forms may be prescribed for different types of licences:
Provided further that a licence may contain in addition to prescribed conditions such other conditions as may be considered necessary by the licensing authority in any particular case.
Section 2 Definitions and Interpretation
Section 3 Licence for acquisition and possession of firearms and ammunition
Section 4 Licence for acquisition and possession of arms of specified description in certain cases
Section 5 Licence for manufacture, sale, etc., of arms and ammunition
Section 6 Licence for the shortening of guns or conversion of imitation firearms into firearms
Section 8 Prohibition of sale or transfer of firearms not bearing identification marks
Section 10 Licence for import and export of arms, etc
Section 14 Refusal of licences
Section 15 Duration and renewal of licence
Section 16 Fees, etc., for licence
Section 17 Variation, suspension and revocation of licences
Section 19 Power to demand production of licence, etc
Section 20 Arrest of persons conveying arms, etc., under suspicious circumstances