What is the Term of office of Chairperson and Members? Section 34 of The BTP (Prohibition) Amendment Act 2016
The Chairperson and Members of the Appellate Tribunal shall hold office for a term not exceeding five years from the date on which they enter upon their office, or until they attain the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier and shall not be eligible for reappointment.
Section 31 Composition etc of Appellate Tribunal
Section 32 Qualifications for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal
Section 33 Terms and conditions of services of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal
Section 34 Term of office of Chairperson and Members
Section 35 Removal of Chairperson and Member from office in certain circumstances
Section 36 Vacancies, etc not to invalidate proceedings of Appellate Tribunal
Section 37 Resignation and removal
Section 38 Member to act as Chairperson in certain circumstances