259. Whoever, being a public servant, legally bound as such public servant to apprehend or to keep in confinement any person charged with or liable to be apprehended for an offence, intentionally omits to apprehend such person, or intentionally suffers such person to escape, or intentionally aids such person in escaping or attempting to escape from such confinement, shall be punished,-
(a) with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, with or without fine, if the person in confinement, or who ought to have been apprehended, was charged with, or liable to be apprehended for, an offence punishable with death; or
(b) with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, with or without fine, if the person in confinement, or who ought to have been apprehended, was charged with, or liable to be apprehended for, an offence punishable with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years; or
(c) with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, with or without fine, if the person in confinement, or who ought to have been apprehended, was charged with, or liable to be apprehended for, an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term less than ten years.
Section 251 Offering gift or restoration of property in consideration of screening offender
Section 252 Taking gift to help to recover stolen property, etc
Section 253 Harbouring offender who has escaped from custody or whose apprehension has been ordered
Section 254 Penalty for harbouring robbers or dacoits
Section 257 Public servant in judicial proceeding corruptly making report, etc., contrary to law
Section 259 Intentional omission to apprehend on part of public servant bound to apprehend