Articles 323A to 360 of Constitution of India 1949

What are Administrative tribunals? What are Tribunals for other matters? Article 323A and 323B of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Superintendence, direction and control of elections to be vested in an Election Commission? Article 324 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the meaning No person to be ineligible for inclusion in, or to claim to be included in a special, electoral roll on grounds of religion, race, caste or sex? What is the meaning Elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assemblies of States to be on the basis of adult suffrage? Article 325 and 326 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Power of Parliament to make provision with respect to elections to Legislatures? What is the Power of Legislature of a State to make provision with respect to elections to such Legislature? What is Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters? Article 327, 328 and 329 of Constitution of India, 1949



What is Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the House of the People? Article 330 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the rules for Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the House of the People? What is Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assemblies of the States? Article 331 and 332 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the rule regarding Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States? What is the meaning Reservation of seats and special representation to cease after forty years? Article 333 and 334 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Claims of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to services and posts? What are the Special provision for Anglo-Indian community in certain services? Article 335 and 336 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Special provision with respect to educational grants for the benefit of Anglo-Indian community? What is the provision for Special Officer for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes? Article 337 and 338 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Control of the Union over the administration of Scheduled Areas and the welfare of Scheduled Tribes? What is the meaning of Appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions of backward classes? Article 339 and 340 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Scheduled Castes? What is Scheduled Tribes? Article 341 and 342 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Official language of the Union? What is the Commission and Committee of Parliament on official language? Article 343 and 344 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Official language or languages of a State? What is Official language for communication between one State and another or between a State and the Union? What is Special provision relating to language spoken by a section of the population of a State? Article 345, 346 and 347 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Language to be used in the Supreme Court and in the High Courts and for Acts, Bills, etc? What is the Special procedure for enactment of certain laws relating to language? Article 348 and 349 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Language to be used in representations for redress of grievances? What are the Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage? Article 350 and 350A of Constitution of India, 1949

Who is the Special Officer for linguistic minorities? What are Directive for development of the Hindi language? Article 350B and 351 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Proclamation of Emergency and Emergency Provisions? Article 352 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is the Effect of Proclamation of Emergency? What is Application of provisions relating to distribution of revenues while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation? Article 353 and 354 of Constitution of India, 1949


What is the meaning Duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance? What are the Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in State? Article 355 and 356 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Exercise of legislative powers under Proclamation issued under Article 356? What is Suspension of provisions of Article 19 during emergencies? Article 357 and 358 of Constitution of India, 1949

What is Suspension of the enforcement of the rights conferred by Part III during emergencies? Article 359 of Constitution of India, 1949

What are the Provisions as to financial emergency? Article 360 of Constitution of India, 1949