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Section 57 of Copy Right Act - Author's special rights

Section 57: Author's special rights - Copy Right Act 1957

1[(1) Independently of the authors copyright and even after the assignment either wholly or partially of the said copyright, the author of a work shall have the right--

(a) to claim authorship of the work; and

((b) to restrain or claim damages in respect of any distortion, mutilation, modification or other act in relation to the said work 2*** if such distortion, mutilation, modification or other act would be prejudicial to his honour or reputation:

Provided that the author shall not have any right to restrain or claim damages in respect of any adaptation of a computer programme to which clause (aa) of sub-section (1) of section 52 applies.

Explanation.-- Failure to display a work or to display it to the satisfaction of the author shall not be deemed to be an infringement of the rights conferred by this section.]

(2) The right conferred upon an author of a work by sub-section (1), 3***, may be exercised by the legal representatives of the author.


1 . Subs. by Act 38 of 1994, s. 20, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 10-5-1995)

2. The words "which is done before the expiration of the term of copyright" omitted by Act 27 0f 2012, s. 36 (w.e.f. 21-6-2012)

3. The words "other than the right to claim authorship of the work" omitted by Act 27 of 2012, s. 36 (w.e.f. 21-6-2012).

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