Section 4 Imposition of duties on State Governments, etc

An order made under section 3 may confer powers and impose duties upon the Central Government or the State Government or officers and authorities of Central Government or State Government, and may contain directions to any State Government or to officers and authorities thereof as to the exercise of any such powers or the discharge of any such duties. 


Section 5 Delegation of powers

The Central Government may, by notified order, direct that 1 [the power to make orders or issue notifications under section 3] shall, in relation to such matters and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the direction, be exercisable also by-

(a) such officer or authority subordinate to the Central Government, or

(b) such State Government or such officer or such authority subordinate to a State Government, as may be specified in the direction.




Section 6 Effect of orders inconsistent with other enactments

Any order made under section 3 shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any enactment other than this Act or any instrument having effect by virtue of any enactment other than this Act.


1. Subs. by Act 66 of 1971, s. 3, for "the power to make orders under section 3" (w.e.f. 23-12-1971).