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United Nations - UN General Assembly

The General Assembly has one representative from each of its members. It is one of the principal organs of United Nations. However, 1 country can only have maximum 5 representatives. General Assembly is not a legislative branch of the United Nations but its law making errands are concerned with respect to international affairs of the United Nations and rules of international law which administer the carry out of members outside the United Nations.

Each member state has one undivided vote. Decisions on important matters can be made only with a 2/3rd majority in the assembly. Important matters here are matters relating to maintenance and promotion of international peace and security, election of non-permanent members of the Security Council, election of members of the Economic and Social Council, election of members of the Trusteeship Council, admission of new members, suspension of rights and privileges of membership, expulsion of members, budgetary matters and matters related to determination of additional categories of questions to be decided by 2/3rd majority.



General Assembly has a supervisory role in the administration of United Nations over principal organs and sub agencies formed. All organs of the United Nations are required to submit annual reports to the General Assembly which it discusses. It performs various financial functions as well which include consideration, discussion and approval of the budget of the United Nations' all principal organs and even the specialized agencies. General Assembly can also send United Nations Emergency Forces for supervision, maintenance and promotion of international peace and security. Sending emergency forces has always been a matter of dispute as United Nations is funded by all its members and these emergency forces can often work against the interests of certain members and this creates a financial conflict where some members refuse to pay the cost incurred on emergency force operations.

General Assembly has full liberty to discuss any matter and make recommendations but not a matter that is being discussed in the Security Council unless the Council requests for recommendations. This is a very powerful organ of the United Nations which has influence over other principal organs and specialized agencies as well but has certain limitations as well since legislations passed by it are not binding on any member and exist as an advisory.  


"Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII."- Article 7(2) of The Charter.

The term 'domestic jurisdiction' here has not been defined by The Charter. This sub article raises many doubts and curtails the freedom of United Nations to a great extent. United Nations cannot interfere with internal matters of any country which prohibits it from exercising its functions and powers as any member can call any matter an internal one to avoid international interference.

Requirement of 2/3rd majority to pass legislations and take important decisions is always political because one has to get the votes and important matters become political and members can achieve results of their choice whether right or wrong through votes. Matters like admission of a member too requires 2/3rd majority whereas this is supposed to be a natural right of any country to be a part of United Nations as alienation of few countries is against the objectives and moral of United Nations.


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