Who are Dependants Section 21 of Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956
21. For the purposes of this Chapter "dependants" mean the following relatives of the deceased : -
(i) his or her father;
(ii) his or her mother;
(iii) his widow, so long as she does not re-marry;
(iv) his or her son or the son of his predeceased son or the son of a predeceased son of his predeceased son, so long as he is a minor: provided and to the extent that he is unable to obtain maintenance, in the case of a grandson from his father's or mother's estate, and in the case of a great grand-son, from the estate of his father or mother or father's father or father's mother;
(v) his or her unmarried daughter, or the unmarried daughter, of his predeceased son or the unmarried daughter of a predeceased son of his predeceased son, so long as she remains unmarried: provided and to the extent that she is unable to obtain maintenance, in the case of a grand-daughter from her father's or mother's estate and in the case of a great-grand-daughter from the estate of her father or mother or father's father or father's mother;
(vi) his widowed daughter: provided and to the extent that she is unable to obtain maintenance-
(a) from the estate of her husband; or
(b) from her son or daughter if any, or his or her estate; or
(c) from her father-in-law or his father or the estate of either of them;
(vii) any widow of his son or of a son of his predeceased son, so long as she does not re-marry: provided and to the extent that she is unable to obtain maintenance from her husband's estate, or from her son or daughter, if any, or his or her estate; or in the case of a grandson's widow, also from her father-in-law's estate;
(viii) his or her minor illegitimate son, so long as he remains a minor;
(ix) his or her illegitimate daughter, so long as she remains unmarried.
Section 2 - Application of Act
Section 4 - Overriding effect of Act
Section 5 - Adoptions to be regulated by this Chapter
Section 6 - Requisites of a valid adoption
Section 7 - Capacity of a male Hindu to take in adoption
Section 8 - Capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption
Section 9 - Persons capable of giving in adoption
Section 10 - Persons who may be adopted
Section 11 - Other conditions for a valid adoption
Section 12 - Effects of adoption
Section 13 - Right of adoptive parents to dispose of their properties
Section 14 - Determination of adoptive mother in certain cases
Section 15 - Valid adoption not to be cancelled
Section 16 - Presumption as to registered documents relating to adoption
Section 17 - Prohibition of certain payments
Section 18 - Maintenance of wife
Section 19 - Maintenance of widowed daughter-in-law
Section 20 - Maintenance of children and aged parents
Section 21 - Dependants defined
Section 22 - Maintenance of dependants
Section 23 - Amount of maintenance
Section 24 - Claimant to maintenance should be a Hindu
Section 25 - Amount of maintenance may be altered on change of circumstances
Section 26 - Debts to have priority
Section 27 - Maintenance when to be a charge
Section 28 - Effect of transfer of property on right to maintenance
Section 29 - Repeals