Establishment of state monitoring committee for rehabilitation and resettlement is defined under section 50 of Land Acquisition Act 2013. Provisions under this Section is:
Section 50 of Land Acquisition Act 2013 "Establishment of state monitoring committee for rehabilitation and resettlement"
(1) The State Government shall constitute a State Monitoring Committee for reviewing and monitoring the implementation of rehabilitation and resettlement schemes or plans under this Act.
(2) The Committee may, besides having representatives of the concerned Ministries and Departments of the State Government, associate with it eminent experts from the relevant fields.
(3) The procedures to be followed by the Committee and the allowances payable to the experts shall be such as may be prescribed by the State.
(4) The State-Government shall provide such officers and other employees to the Committee as may be necessary for its efficient functioning.
Section 43 Appointment of administrator
Section 44 Commissioner for rehabilitation and resettlement
Section 45 Rehabilitation and resettlement committee at project level
Section 47 Quantification and deposit of rehabilitation and resettlement amount
Section 48 Establishment of National monitoring committee for rehabilitation and resettlement
Section 49 Reporting Requirements
Section 50 Establishment of state monitoring committee for rehabilitation and resettlement
Section 51 Establishment of land acquisition rehabilitation and resettlement authority
Section 52 Composition of Authority
Section 53 Qualification for appointment as presiding officer
Section 54 Terms of office of presiding officer
Section 56 Salary and allowances and other terms and conditions of service of Presiding Officers