Section 4 of Limitation Act "Expiry of prescribed period when court is closed"
When the prescribed period for any suit, appeal or
application expires on a day when the court is closed, the
suit, appeal or application may be instituted, preferred or
made on the day when the court reopens.
Explanation - A court shall be deemed to be closed on any
day within the meaning of this section if during any part of
its normal working hours it remains closed on that day.
Section 5 of Limitation Act "Extension of prescribed period in certain cases"
Any appeal or any application, other
than an application under any of the provisions of Order XXI
of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) may be
admitted after the prescribed period, if the appellant or
the applicant satisfies the court that he had sufficient
cause for not preferring the appeal or making the
application within such period.
Explanation - The fact that the appellant or the applicant
was misled by any order, practice or judgment of the High
Court in ascertaining or computing the prescribed period may
be sufficient cause within the meaning of this section.
Comment: "We do not find any cogent ground given in the
application for condonation of delay which in law can
constitute sufficient cause to explain the inordinate delay
in filing of the special leave petitions." Warlu, Appellant
v. Gangotribai AIR 1994 SUPREME COURT 466