30. (1) Online mediation including pre-litigation mediation may be conducted at any stage of mediation under this Act, with the written consent of the parties including by the use of electronic form or computer networks but not limited to an encrypted electronic mail service, secure chat rooms or conferencing by video or audio mode or both.
(2) The process of online mediation shall be in such manner as may be specified.
(3) The conduct of online mediation shall be in the circumstances, which ensure that the essential elements of integrity of proceedings and confidentiality are maintained at all times and the mediator may take such appropriate steps in this regard as he deems fit.
(4) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the mediation communications in the case of online mediation shall, ensure confidentiality of mediation.
Section 21 of Mediation Act - Nonsettlement report
Section 22 of Mediation Act - Confidentiality
Section 23 of Mediation Act - Admissibility and privilege against disclosure
Section 24 of Mediation Act - Termination of mediation
Section 25 of Mediation Act - Cost of mediation
Section 26 of Mediation Act - Proceedings of Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat not to be affected
Section 27 of Mediation Act - Enforcement of mediated settlement agreement
Section 28 of Mediation Act - Challenge to mediated settlement agreement
Section 29 of Mediation Act - Limitation
Section 30 of Mediation Act - Online mediation