Section 87 : Members etc to be Public Servants


Section 88 : Application of other laws not barred- The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

What is Members, etc to be public servants and Application of other laws not barred under section 87 and 88 of The Real Estate (Regulation and Development Act, 2016). Members, etc to be public servants and Application of other laws not barred are defined under Section 87 and 88 of the Act. Provisions under Section 87 and 88 are:



Section 87 "Members etc to be public servants" - The Real Estate (Regulation and Development Act, 2016)

The Chairperson, Members and other officers and employees of the Authority, and the Appellate Tribunal and the adjudicating officer shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code.


Section 88 "Application of other laws not barred" - The Real Estate (Regulation and Development Act, 2016)

The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.