Section 61 Special procedure for preventing personation of electors - Representation of the People Act, 1951


What is the Special procedure for preventing personation of electors? Section 61 of Representation of the People Act, 1951


Section 61 : Special procedure for preventing personation of electors

With a view to preventing personation of electors provision may be made by rules made under this Act:

(a) for the marking with indelible ink of the thumb or any other finger of every elector who applies for a ballot paper or ballot papers for the purpose of voting at a polling station before delivery of such paper or papers to him;



(b) for the production before the presiding officer or a polling officer of a polling station by every such elector as aforesaid of his identity card before the delivery of a ballot paper or ballot papers to him if under rules made in that behalf under the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950), electors of the constituency in which the polling station is situated have been supplied with identity cards with or without their respective photographs attached thereto; and

(c) for prohibiting the delivery of any ballot paper to any person for voting at a polling station if at the time such person applies for such paper he has already such a mark on his thumb or any other finger or does not produce on demand his identity card before the presiding officer or a polling officer of the polling station.