What is Penalty for furnishing incomplete or incorrect or misleading comments or explanation or report? Section 15 of Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2014


Penalty for furnishing incomplete or incorrect or misleading comments or explanation or report are defined under Section 15 of Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2014. Provisions under this Section is:


Section 15 of Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2014 "Penalty for furnishing incomplete or incorrect or misleading comments or explanation or report"

Where the Competent Authority, at the time of examining the report or explanations or report referred to in sub-section (3) of section 5 on the complaint submitted by organisation or official concerned, is of the opinion that the organisation or official concerned, without any reasonable cause, has not furnished the report within the specified time or mala fidely refused to submit the report or knowingly given incomplete, incorrect or misleading or false report or destroyed record or information which was the subject of the disclosure or obstructed in any manner in furnishing the report, it shall impose



(a) where the organisation or official concerned, without any reasonable cause, has not furnished the report within the specified time or mala fidely refused to submit the report, a penalty which may extend to two hundred fifty rupees for each day till report is furnished, so, however, the total amount of such penalty shall not exceed fifty thousand rupees;

(b) where the organisation or official concerned, has knowingly given incomplete, incorrect or misleading or false report or destroyed record or information which was the subject of the disclosure or obstructed in any manner the furnishing of the report, a penalty which may extend to fifty thousand rupees:

Provided that no penalty shall be imposed against any person unless he has been given an opportunity of being heard