Section 42 of Registration Act - Deposit of wills, Section 43 Procedure on deposit of wills


Section 42 of Registration Act 1908 : Deposit of wills

Any testator may, either personally or by duly authorised agent, deposit with
any Registrar his will in a sealed cover super scribed with the name of the testator and that of his agent (if any) and with a statement of the nature of the document.


Section 43 Procedure on deposit of wills

(1) On receiving such cover, the Registrar, if satisfied that the person presenting the same for deposit is the testator or his agent, shall transcribe in his Register-book No. 5 the superscription aforesaid, and shall note in the same book and on the said cover the year, month, day and hour of such presentation and receipt, and the names of any persons who may testify to the identity of the testator or his agent, and any legible inscription which may be on the seal of the cover.

(2) The Registrar shall then place and retain the sealed cover in his fire-proof box.