Section 44 of Registration Act - Withdrawal of sealed cover deposited under section 42, Section 45 Proceedings on death of depositor

Section 44 of Registration Act 1908 : Withdrawal of sealed cover deposited under section 42

If the testator who has deposited such cover wishes to withdraw it, he may apply, either personally or by duly authorised agent, to the Registrar who holds it in deposit, and such Registrar, if satisfied that the applicant is actually the testator or his agent, shall deliver the cover accordingly.


Section 45 Proceedings on death of depositor

(1) If, on the death of a testator who has deposited a sealed cover under section 42, application be made to the Registrar who holds it in deposit to open the same, and if the Registrar is satisfied that the testator is dead, he shall, in the applicant's presence, open the cover, and, at the applicant's expense, cause the contents thereof to be copied into his Book No. 3.

(2) When such copy has been made, the Registrar shall re-deposit the original will.