Preparation of Social Impact Assessment Study is defined under section 4 of Land Acquisition Act 2013. Provisions under this Section is:
Section 4 of Land Acquisition Act 2013 "Preparation of Social Impact Assessment Study"
(1) Whenever the appropriate Government intends to acquire land for a public purpose, it shall consult the concerned Panchayat. Municipality or Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, at village level or ward level, in the affected area and carry out a Social Impact Assessment study in consultation with them. in such manner and from such date as may be specified by such Government by notification.
(2) The notification issued by the appropriate Government for commencement of consultation and of the Social Impact Assessment study under sub-section (I) shall be made available in the local language to the Panchayat. Municipality or Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, and in the offces of the District Collector, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate and the Tehsil, and shall be published in the affected areas, in such manner as may be prescribed, and uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government:
Provided that the appropriate Government shall ensure that adequate representation has been given to the representatives of Panchayat. Gram Sabha, Municipality or Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, at the stage of carrying out the Social Impact Assessment study:
Provided further that the appropriate Government shall ensure the completion of the Social Impact Assessment study within a period of six months from the date of its commencement.
(3) The Social Impact Assessment study report referred to in sub-section (I) shall be made available to the public in the manner prescribed under section 6.
(4) The Social Impact Assessment study referred to in sub-section (I) shall, amongst other matters. include all the following, namely:-
(a) assessment as to whether the proposed acquisition serves public purpose;
(b) estimation of affected families and the number of families among them likely to be displaced;
(c) extent of lands. public and private, houses, settlements and other common properties likely to be affected by the proposed acquisition;
(d) whether the extent of land proposed for acquisition is the absolute bare minimum extent needed for the project;
(e) whether land acquisition at an alternate place has been considered and found not feasible;
(f) study of social impacts of the project, and the nature and cost of addressing them and the impact of these costs on the overall costs of the project vis-a-vis the benefits of the project:
Provided that Environmental Impact Assessment study, if any, shall be carried out simultaneously and shall not be contingent upon the completion of the Social Impact Assessment study.
(5) While undertaking a Social Impact Assessment study under sub-section (I), the appropriate Government shall, amongst other things, take into consideration the impact that the project is likely to have on various components such as livelihood of affected families, public and community properties, assets and infrastructure particularly roads, public transport, drainage, sanitation, sources of drinking water, sources of water for cattle, community ponds, grazing land, plantations, public utilities such as post offices, fair price shops, food storage godowns, electricity supply, health care facilities, schools and educational or training facilities, anganwadis, children parks, places of worship, land for traditional tribal institutions and burial and cremation grounds.
(6) The appropriate Government shall require the authority conducting the Social Impact Assessment study to prepare a Social Impact Management Plan, listing the ameliorative measures required to be undertaken for addressing the impact for a specific component referred to in sub-section (3,an d such measures shall not be less than what is provided under a scheme or programme, in operation in that area, of the Central Government or, as the case may be, the State Government, in operation in the affected area.
Section 4 Preparation of Social Impact Assessment Study
Section 5 Public hearing of Social Impact Assessment
Section 6 Publication of Social Impact Assessment Study
Section 7 Appraisal of Social Impact Assessment Report by an Expert Group
Section 9 Exemption from Social Impact Assessment
Section 10 Special Provision to safeguard Food Security
Section 11 Publication of preliminary notification and power of officers thereupon
Section 12 Preliminary survey of land and power of officers to carry out survey
Section 14 Lapse of Social Impact Assessment report
Section 16 Preparation of rehabilitation and resettlement scheme by the administrator
Section 17 Review of rehabilitation and resettlement scheme
Section 18 Approved rehabilitation and resettlement scheme to be made public
Section 19 Publication of declaration and summary of Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Section 20 Land to be marked out measured and planned including marking of specific areas