Section 14 Tribunal to settle disputes - National Green Tribunal Act 2010

Is Tribunal to settle disputes? - Section 14 of NGT Act 2010

Tribunal to settle disputes is defined under section 14 of National Green Tribunal Act 2010. Provisions under this Section is :



Section 14 of National Green Tribunal Act 2010 "Tribunal to settle disputes"

(1) The Tribunal shall have the jurisdiction over all civil cases where a substantial question relating to environment (including enforcement of any legal right relating to environment), is involved and such question arises out of the implementation of the enactments specified in Schedule I.

(2) The Tribunal shall hear the disputes arising from the questions referred to in sub-section (1) and settle such disputes and pass order thereon.

(3) No application for adjudication of dispute under this section shall be entertained by the Tribunal unless it is made within a period of six months from the date on which the cause of action for such dispute first arose:

Provided that the Tribunal may, if it is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause from filing the application within the said period, allow it to be filed within a further period not exceeding sixty days.