Section 17 Liability to pay relief or compensation in certain cases - National Green Tribunal Act 2010

What is the Liability to pay relief or compensation in certain cases? - Section 17 of NGT Act 2010

Liability to pay relief or compensation in certain cases is defined under section 17 of National Green Tribunal Act 2010. Provisions under this Section is :



Section 17 of National Green Tribunal Act 2010 "Liability to pay relief or compensation in certain cases"

(1) Where death of, or injury to, any person (other than a workman) or damage to any property or environment has resulted from an accident or the adverse impact of an activity or operation or process, under any enactment specified in Schedule I, the person responsible shall be liable to pay such relief or compensation for such death, injury or damage, under all or any of the heads specified in Schedule II, as may be determined by the Tribunal.

(2) If the death, injury or damage caused by an accident or the adverse impact of an activity or operation or process under any enactment specified in Schedule I cannot be attributed to any single activity or operation or process but is the combined or resultant effect of several such activities, operations and processes, the Tribunal may, apportion the liability for relief or compensation amongst those responsible for such activities, operations and processes on an equitable basis.

(3) The Tribunal shall, in case of an accident, apply the principle of no fault.