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Affordable Rental Housing Complex (ARHC) Scheme

Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) is a sub-scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U). ARHCs means a listed project with a mix of at-least 40 Dwelling Units (DUs) and Dormitories along with basic civic infrastructure facilities such as water, sanitation, sewerage/ septage, road, electricity along with necessary social/ commercial infrastructure for urban migrant/poor of EWS/LIG categories. DUs will comprise of single bedroom up to 30 sqm/ double bedroom up to 60 sqm with living area, kitchen, toilet and bathroom and Dormitory Bed of up to 10 sqm carpet areas each. A maximum of one-third units (33%) in a project with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom is allowed. The ARHC was launched due to Large scale reverse migration of urban migrants/ poor due to COVID-19, Urban migrants stay in slums/ informal settlements/ unauthorised colonies/ peri-urban areas to save cost on housing and Non availability of housing close to workplace adversely impacts productivity. Purpose of the scheme is for Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) as a Sub-scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U) to provide affordable rental housing to urban migrants/ poor, close to their workplace.

Strategies for implementation of the Project

1. Utilizing existing Government funded vacant houses to convert into ARHCs through Public Private Partnership (PPP) or by Public Agencies

2. Construction, Operation and Maintenance of ARHCs by Public/ Private Entities on their own available vacant land 


Expected benefits of ARHC

Beneficiaries for ARHCs will be varied groups of urban migrants/ poor from EWS/ LIG categories including industrial & construction workers, migrants working with market/ trade associations, educational/ health institutions, hospitality sector, long-term tourists/ visitors, students etc.

ARHCs to be considered till PMAY (U) Mission period i.e. March 2022.

ARHCs will be a mix of single bedroom unit of up to 30 sqm/ double bedroom unit of up to 60 sqm with living area, kitchen, toilet and bathroom; and

dormitory bed of up to 10 sqm carpet areas each, including all common facilities.

To be exclusively used for rental housing for a minimum period of 25 years.

Employment generation- about 11.74 crore person days estimated (3.89 crore person days of direct and 7.84 crore person days as indirect employment).

2.95 lakh beneficiaries will be benefited by ARHCs, initially.

ARHC Website- to view project details, project wise occupancy status.


Incentives proposed for Private / Public Entities

Incentives from Central Government

Concessional project finance under Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) & Priority Sector Lending (PSL)

Exemption in Income Tax & GST on any profit & gains from ARHCS

Technology Innovation Grant (TIG) for promoting use of innovative technology


Incentives by States/ Union Territory/ ULBS/ Parastatals

Use Permission changes, if needed

50% additional FAR/FSI, free of cost

Statutory approval of ARHC projects through Single window system (within 30 days)

Trunk infrastructure upto the project site

Municipal charges at par with residential property


Expected Benefits from ARHC Scheme

1. Decent living environment close to workplaces at affordable rates.

2. Sustained supply of workforce and increased productivity for Industries and Manufacturing units.

3. Opportunity to convert existing Government funded vacant houses into ARHCs for economically productive use.

4. Encourage Private/Public Entities to efficiently utilize their vacant land available for developing ARHCs.

5. Propel new investment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship in rental housing sector by creating new job opportunities.

6. Strengthening of Municipal Finances at ULB level.

7. Prevent further proliferation of slums.    


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