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PM Street Vendor's Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme

This is a Scheme launched by Central Government to facilitate street vendors to access affordable working capital loan for resuming their livelihoods activities, after easing of lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdowns have adversely impacted the livelihoods of street vendors. They usually work with a small capital base, which they might have consumed during the lockdown. Therefore, credit for working capital to street vendors will be helpful to resume their livelihoods.


Objective of PM Street Vendor's Atmanirbhar Nidhi

(i) To facilitate working capital loan up to Rs. 10,000 at subsidized rate of interest;

(ii) To incentivize regular repayment of loan; and

(iii) To reward digital transactions.


Features of PM Street Vendor's Atmanirbhar Nidhi Scheme

(i) Initial working capital of up to Rs.10,000/-

(ii) Interest subsidy on timely/ early repayment @ 7%

(iii) Monthly cash-back incentive on digital transactions

(iv) Higher loan eligibility on timely repayment of the first loan.


Target beneficiary for the Scheme

Street vendors/ hawkers vending in urban areas, as on or before March 24, 2020, including the vendors of surrounding peri-urban and rural areas. Street Vendor/hawker means Any person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food items or merchandise of daily use or offering services to the public in a street, footpath, pavement etc., from a temporary built up structure or by moving from place to place. The goods supplied by them include vegetables, fruits, ready-to-eat street food, tea, pakodas, breads, eggs, textile, apparel, artisan products, books/ stationary etc. and the services include barber shops, cobblers, pan shops, laundry services etc.


Institutions providing Loan

Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Small Finance Banks, Cooperative
Banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies, Micro-Finance Institutions and SHG Banks.

Period of Loan

The Scheme shall be implemented up to March 2022


Amount of initial working capital loan

The Initial working capital loan is upto Rs.10,000/- for a tenure of one year.


How to Apply for the loan of PM Street Vendor's Atmanirbhar Nidhi

You can approach a Banking Correspondent (BC)/ Agent of Micro Finance Institution (MFI)

in your area (ULBs will have the list of these persons). They will help you in filling up the
application and upload the documents in a Mobile App/ Portal.


How to Check name in the List

You can access this information on the website of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.


Loan to Persons who do not have Identity Card

Persons with name is in the list of surveyed vendors, but do not have either Identity Card or Certificate of Vending can also avail the loan facility. A Provisional Certificate of Vending would be issued to vendors through an IT based Platform. The BC/ Agent will help you in filling up the application and upload the documents in a mobile App/ Portal.


Loan to persons staying nearby areas

The Scheme is available to vendors of surrounding development/ peri-urban/ rural areas vending in the geographical limits of the cities/ towns and those left out of the survey. If you belong to this category you have to produce one of the following documents to obtain the Letter of Recommendation from ULB/TVC:

(i) Documents of past loan taken from a bank/ NBFC/ MFI for the purpose of vending;


(ii) If the person is a member of street vendors' association like NASVI, NHF, SEWA etc., his membership details;


(iii) Any other documents to prove that the person is a vendor; The vendor can also request ULB through a simple application on white paper to conduct local enquiry to ascertain the genuineness of his claim. After receipt of LoR, you may approach BC/ Agent to apply for the loan.


KYC documents required in addition to CoV/ ID / LoR

Anyone of the following documents is valid for KYC :

(i) Aadhaar Card,

(ii) Voter's Identity Card,

(iii) Driving Licence,

(iv) MNREGA Card,

(v) PAN Card.


Rate and amount of interest subsidy

The rate of interest subsidy 7%. The interest subsidy amount will be credited directly in the account of vendor on quarterly basis. In case of early payment, the admissible amount of subsidy will be credited in one go. For a loan of Rs.10,000, if you pay all the 12 EMIs in time, you will get approximately Rs.400 as interest subsidy amount.


Security for Loan

No collateral security is required.

incentive for digital transactions
The on-boarded vendors would be provided with a monthly cashback in the range of Rs.50 -Rs.100 as per the following criteria:

(i) On executing 50 eligible transactions: Rs.50;

(ii) On executing the next 50 eligible transactions: Additional Rs.25; and

(iii) On executing the next 100 eligible transactions: Additional Rs.25.
Each transaction > Rs.25 will be counted.

For those who are not familiar with digital transactions.

An agent from MFI/ payment aggregator will approach you to onboard and help in conducting sample transactions. The vendor will also be provided with a debit card and a QR code.


Incentive for timely/ early repayment of loan

On timely/ early repayment of loan of initial working capital, a vendor becomes eligible to
avail a higher tranche of loan in next cycle. There is no penalty for pre-closure of the loan.


Enhance my chances of availing this loan

The Vendor may become a part of Common Interest Group (CIG) formed by ULB or Joint Liability Group (JLG) formed by a lending institution.


Where to approach to avail the facility

The Vendor may meet a member of SHG or ALF or CLF or call toll free number.


Identity Card for use

The vendor will be issued Provisional Identity Card on approval of loan and permanent CoV/ID will be issued within 30 days.


Time period to get the loan approved
Complete process will be automated through a Mobile App and Web Portal. You will be able to check real time status of your application. Whole process, if paper/ information is
complete, may take less than 30 days.


Contact information for grievances

In case of any grievance, the vendor may contact the following officer in the Ministry:
Director (NULM), Room no.334-C, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs,
Nirman Bhawan,Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi - 110011


Tel: 011-23062850.



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