Consumer Complaint fess payable w.e.f. 20th December 2022

Fees payable to file Complaint with District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, State Consumer Disputes Distressal Commission and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

In the Consumer Protection (Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions) Rules, 2020, in rule 7, in sub-rule (2), the following is the fees to file Consumer Complaint with District Forum, State Commission and National Commission.

District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

Sl. No. Value of goods or services paid as consideration Amount of Fee payable
1. Upto Rupees Five Lakh Nil
2. Above Rupees Five Lakh and upto Rupees Ten Lakh Rs. 200
3. Above Rupees Ten Lakh and upto Rupees Twenty Lakh Rs. 400
4. Above Rupees Twenty Lakh and upto Rupees Fifty Lakh Rs. 1000


State Consumer Disputes Distressal Commission

Sl. No. Value of goods or services paid as consideration Amount of Fee payable
1. Above Rupees Fifty Lakh and upto Rupees One Crore Rs. 2000
2. Above Rupees One Crore and upto Rupees Two Crore Rs. 2500


National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

Sl. No. Value of goods or services paid as consideration Amount of Fee payable
1. Above Rupees Two Crore and upto Rupees Four Crore Rs. 3000
2. Above Rupees Four Crore and upto Rupees Six Crore Rs. 4000
3. Above Rupees Six Crore and upto Rupees Eight Crore Rs. 5000
4. Above Rupees Eight Crore and upto Rupees Ten Crore Rs. 6000
5. Above Rupees Ten Crore Rs. 7,500