Fundamental Duties

- Swaran Singh Committee

- Citizens

- Taken from USSR - Russia - Soviet Union

- Environment - Article 48A, 51A(g)

Compulsory Education

Fundamental Rights - age 6 to 14 - Article 21A

Directive Principles - age 0 to 6 - Article 45

Fundamental Duties - 6-14 Article 51A(b)

1. Abide by Constitution, National Flag, National Song (a)

2. Ideals of Freedom Struggle (b)

3. Protect Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India (c)

4. Defend the Country, render national service (d)



5. harmony - Protect women (e)

6. Preserve Culture (f)

7. Preserve Environment (g)

8. Humanism and spirit of inquiry and reform (h)

9. Protect public property (i)

10. Excellence achieve (j)

11. Educational opportunities 6-14 (k) 86th amendment

- Not mandatory. But should not violate

- Non-Justiciable




Bijoy Emmanuel Vs state of Kerala

(National Anthem Case)

- 3 School kids suspended for not singing National Anthem.

- Court said that it is their choice.