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Cyber Crime Complaint online. Report Cyber Crime to Police Cyber Cell.

How to register cyber crime complaint online with Cyber Police by using the website of Police Department.

Now you can lodge complaint of cyber crime online with Cyber Cell of Police Department for cyber crimes committed all over India like Email Frauds, Social Media crimes, Mobile App related crimes, Business Email Compromise, Data Theft, Ransomeware, Net Banking/ATM Frauds, Fake Calls Frauds, Insurance Frauds, Lottery Scam, Bitcoin, Cheating Scams, Online Transactions Frauds etc. The Cyber Crime Cell of Police Department is a specialized unit that handles all complex and sensitive cases of cyber crime including those in which victims are women and children. The Cyber Crime Cell has modern facilities like Cyber Lab having cyber forensic capabilities including extraction of deleted data from different devices.



Steps to Report a Cyber Crime

Step 1: Visit the website of cyber cell

The following Menu will open

Report Cyber Crime online - Home


I. Filing Complaint of Women / Child Related Crime


Step 2: For Women and Child Related Crimes Click on WOMEN/ CHILD RELATED CRIME



i. Reporting the Crime anonymously

If you Chose REPORT ANONYMOUSLY the following Menu will open

Cyber Crime Report anonymously


Step 4: Click on File Complaint Option

The following menu will open

Cyber Crime Report Accept Menu



Step 5: Click on Accept after reading the information

The following Menu will open

Cyber Crime Complaint online

Cyber Crime Complaint online


Step 6: Fill the information asked in the Menu

Category of Complaint Chose from the List
Complaint / Incident Details  
Approximate Date and time of incident/Receiving/Viewing Content Enter date & time
Reason for Delay in Reporting If there is delay give the reason
State / UTs Select name of your state or Union Territory from the List
District Select District from the List
Police Station Select Police Station from the List
Where did the Incident occur? Select from the list

(Email, Facebook, Hike, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter, Whatsapp, Website URL, Wechat, youtube, Linkedin, Telegram or other)

Please provide additional information about the incident Describe the incident in 1500 Words



Step 7: Click on SAVE & NEXT Option

Step 8: Enter Suspect Details

Step 9 : Click on Preview & Submit Button

Step 10: Click on Submit Button

Now Process of Lodging Complaint with cyber cell is over


ii. Report and Track

Step 1: Open Cyber Crime Login option

The following Menu will open

Cyber Crime Complaint Login


Step 2: Enter Required information

Select State : Select your state from the list

User Name / Complainant Name : Type user name or Complainant Name

Mobile No: Enter your Mobile No


Step 3: Click on OTP Button

Enter OTP

Enter Security code shown on the screen


Step 4: Login


Step 5: Enter Required information as explained in Para I above and Lodge Complaint



II. Reporting Other Crime

Step 1: Visit the website of cyber cell

The following Menu will open

Report Cyber Crime online - Home


Step 2: Click on REPORT OTHER CYBER CRIME Option

The following menu will open

Cyber Crime Report Accept Menu


Step 3: Click on Accept after reading the information

The following Menu will open

The following Menu will open

Cyber Crime Complaint Login


Step 4: Enter Required information

Select State : Select your state from the list

User Name / Complainant Name : Type user name or Complainant Name

Mobile No: Enter your Mobile No


Step 5: Click on OTP Button

Enter OTP

Enter Security code shown on the screen


Step 6: Login


Step 7: Enter Required information as explained in Para I above and Lodge Complaint



Documents Required to Lodge Cyber Complaint

(As given in the website of Cyber Police)


To Lodge Email related Complaints

- A written Complaint explaining the complete incidence

- Copy of the alleged Email

- Email should be taken from the original receiver. Forwarded email should be avoided

- Full Header of the alleged Email

- Copy of email and header should be in both hard & soft forms

- Soft copy should be given in a CD-R only


To Lodge Social Media related Complaints

- Copy/screenshot of alleged contents/profile

- Screenshot copy of URL of alleged contents

- Contents should be in both hard & soft forms

- Soft copy should be given in CD-R only


To Lodge Mobile Apps related complaints

- Screenshot of the malicious app and the location from where it downloaded

- Bank statement from the victim's account if any transactions made

- Soft copy of all above mentioned documents in soft form


To Lodge Business Email Compromise complaints

Brief description of the incident, and consider providing the following financial information:

1. Originating Name

2. Originating Location

3. Originating Bank Name

4. Originating Bank Account Number

5. Recipient Name

6. Recipient Bank Name

7. Recipient Bank Account Number

8. Recipient Bank Location (if available)

9. Intermediary Bank Name (if available)

10. SWIFT Number

11. Date

12. Amount of Transaction

13. Additional Information -including "FFC"-For Further Credit; "FAV"-In Favor Of



To Lodge Data Theft complaints

- Copy of data which has been stolen

- Copyright certificate for the data in question

- Details of suspected employee who took the data from company

Following documents related to suspected employee:

- Appointment letter

- Non-disclosure agreement if any

- List of duty assigned

- List of gadgets assigned to the suspected

- List of clients with whom the suspect is in touch

- Proof of selling of your copyright data to any client

- Devices used by the suspect while working with the company, if any


To Lodge Ransomware complaints

EMail id /phone number or any other means of communication through which ransom has been demanded.

If malware was sent in the attachment of the mail. Screen shots of the mail with full header of first receiver should be provided.


To Lodge Net banking/ATM Complaints

Bank statement from the concerned bank of last six months

Copy of SMSs received related to the alleged transactions

Copy of your ID proof and address proof as shown in the bank records



To Lodge Fake call fraud Complaints

- Bank statement from the concerned bank of last six months

- Make a copy of SMSs received related to the alleged transactions

- Copy of your ID proof and address proof as shown in the bank records


To Lodge Scams Complaints

- Bank statement from the concerned bank of last six months

- Make a copy of SMSs received related to the alleged transactions

- Copy of your ID proof and address proof as shown in the bank records


To Lodge Bitcoin related Complaints

- Complete facts in brief about the incident

- Address of Bitcoin

- Amount of Bitcoin involved

- Address from/to whom purchase/sale of Bitcoins is done


To Lodge Cheating related Complaints

- Print out of the alleged email along with its full header of the email

- Email should be taken from the original receiver. Forwarded email should be avoided

- Bank statement from the victim's account

- Details of the alleged transaction made

- Soft copy of all above mentioned documents


To Lodge Online Transactions related Complaints

- Bank statement from the concerned bank of last six months

- Make a copy of SMSs received related to the alleged transactions

- Copy of your ID proof and address proof as shown in the bank records.


Note: Information given here is to help and guide those who do not have knowledge about lodging complaint with cyber cell. We are not responsible for any mistake or error. This is a website to provide free information and we do not charge any amount from any user. Trade marks and copy rights are of respective websites.