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Tenant Registration online with Delhi Police. Download Tenant Verification form in PDF format.

How to Register Tenant with Delhi Police. Steps to submit Tenant verification form with Delhi Police and Procedure.

You can register online information of your Tenant with Delhi Police. You can also download Tenant Verification from and submit with the nearest Police Station for Verification of Tenant. Tenant verification is a process that assures the landlords a thorough background check on the tenants before permitting them to reside. The main intention is to ensure they pay their rents on time, whether any criminal records or troublesome nature. Tenant verification is done by the police. You can apply for Police Verification of tenant online. Every landlord should register for tenant verification online or download Tenant Verification form and Complete formalities before handing over the house or flat keys. The law makes it compulsory for landlords to fulfill police verification of their tenants. Under Section-188 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) which concerns the violation of order rightfully declared by a public servant, a convict may be "punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month or a monetary penalty of Rs 200".



Steps for Tenant Registration with Delhi Police

Step 1: Visit the website of Delhi Police

The following Menu will open

Delhi Police Citizen Services


Step 2: Click on Citizen Services


Step 3: Click on Domestic Help/ Tenant Registration

The Following page will open

 Delhi Police Tenant Registration


Step 4: Click on Create an Account

The following page will open

Tenant Verification information

Tenant Verification Address

Delhi Police Tenant verification

Tenant Verification contact

Tenant Verification Submit Application

Delhi Police Tenant Verification Submission


Step 5: The Information Asked in the form. Note down user name and password

Step 6: Click on Submit

Now OTP Verification Menu will open

Step 7: Enter OTP Code received on your mobile

Step 8: Click on Verify

Now your user ID is created


Step 9: Go again to Domestic Help/ Tenant Registration

The Following page will open

 Delhi Police Tenant Registration


Step 10: Enter user name and Password

Step 11: Click on Login

Now Tenant PG Registration Request page will open

Step 12: Enter Owner Information

Step 13: Enter Tenant Information, Previous Address, Permanent Address etc

Step 14: Enter family member information. Residing with family or residing alone

Step 15: Click on affidavit

Step 16: Attach Identity Proof and Photograph or Tenant

Step 17: Click on Submit Button

Now your Tenant Registration application is submitted with Delhi Police

Step 18: Click on Print button and take printout of acknowledgement

Note: Photograph and Identification proof of Tenant need to be uploaded


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