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How to file complaint online against Auto Rickshaw Driver and Taxi Driver for Refusal, Overcharging, Misbehavior and Harassment.

You can file complaint online against Auto Rickshaw driver and Taxi Driver by following the simple steps.


Step 1: Hit on link of Delhi Police website online Complaint

Step 2: Fill in the fields



Online Complaint Autorickshaw, TSR

Name : Fill your Name

Phone : Fill your phone Number

E-mail : Fill your e-mail ID

Tick on the appropriate box

Refusal (REF) Over Charging (OVC) Misbehavior (MIS) Harassment (HAR)

By an

Please select Auto Rickshaw or Taxi Driver

Vehicle No : Fill the Registration number of Vehicle

Complaint : Write your complaint in detail

Verification code : Fill in the verification code displayed on the screen

Upload image : Choose image file if any to upload

Submit : Hit on submit button to register your complaint.

After submission of your complaint, you will receive acknowledgement through the website.


How to file complaint against Auto Rickshaw Driver and Taxi Driver through SMS to 56767.

You can file complaint with Delhi Police by using the following methods.

Write Short form of complaint - Vehicle No - Location - to - Location - Time

Short form of Complaints are:

- Refusal (REF)

- Over Charging (OVC)

- Misbehavior (MIS)

- Harassment (HAR)

Example of SMS Complaint to 56767:


(Refusal by vehicle No. DL1R4321 to go to Ashram to Palam at 2.30 PM)


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